24 Juni 2022
Coconut Sugar Treats, Dairy Free Peanut Brittle Recipe

Coconut Sugar Treats, Dairy Free Peanut Brittle Recipe This sweet, crunchy and moreish snack is very easy to make. It only needs 4 ingredients to make. But aside from being easy to make, it’s also very easy to burn. These tips can prevent you from doing that! Watch your pot and thermometer literally every second […]

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20 Juni 2022
Coconut Sugar Gluten Free Candy Recipes, Salted Caramel Candy

Coconut Sugar Gluten Free Candy Recipes, Salted Caramel Candy When you think about caramel it’s not far from a sugar loaded thing with a lot of butter. It surely is delicious and addicting, but when you eat it sometimes you can feel guilty. But don’t worry about these yummy caramels with a hint of sea […]

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17 Juni 2022
Banana - Carrot Cupcake, A Delicious Coconut Sugar Cupcake Recipe

Banana - Carrot Cupcake, A Delicious Coconut Sugar Cupcake Recipe Coconut sugar is a great substitute for regular sugar. It has a deep and earthy flavor with a caramel hint on top of it. Its base flavor is quite similar to brown sugar, but coconut sugar has a more distinctive and unique taste. Coconut sugar […]

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13 Juni 2022
Coconut Sugar’s Nutrition Facts

Coconut Sugar’s Nutrition Facts Coconut sugar is a natural sugar made of sap from the flower bud of the coconut tree. It is not highly processed with no additives, bleaching agents, or any chemicals needed to make it. In fact, the only processing that takes place is heating the coconut sap to evaporate its water […]

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7 Juni 2022
Indonesia’s Organic Coconut Sugar Exporter, Best Quality at The Best Price!

Indonesia’s Organic Coconut Sugar Exporter, Best Quality at The Best Price! Indonesia is one of the largest coconut sugar producing countries and is an exporter throughout the world. On the island of Java, coconut farmers harvest the sap or nectar of the coconut flower, which is the basis for organic coconut sugar. In the forests […]

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IndoCoconutSugar Coconut Palm Sugar
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