Coconut Sugar as Sugar Consumption for Vegan’s life trend in Europe
Nowadays, sugar is one of the most consumption all over people in the world. Carbohydrates in sugar provide energy resources for maintaining healthy during activities. The most common sugar we consumed is cane sugar or white sugar. Cane sugar has differences from coconut sugar. One of the differences is the source, cane sugar comes from reduced sugar cane juice and coconut sugar is made by the evaporation of the coconut sap of the coconut palm. The other fact is coconut sugar can be the solution for some health problems like diabetes due to containing low Glycemic Index (GI value of 35).
The demand for organic coconut sugar consumption growing in Europe as increased interest subtitles the cane/refined sugar for healthy diets and the negative public attention focused on high sugar consumption. The coconut Sugar market in Europe from various sources, approximately 2.000 tonnes or about 0.01 percent of total sugar consumption in Europe.

Vegan lifestyles are growing in Europe, vegan is a person which didn't consume any food derived from animals, like animal-based products. Organic coconut sugar is considered a vegan choice to replace regular sugar because it is processed without animal “bone char” as it is sometimes used to produce white color on regular sugar. Allied Market Research reported the global vegan industry value at USD 14.2 billion in 2018 and also will grow to USD 31.4 billion in 2026.
European targeted suppliers of coconut sugar in several countries, especially in developing countries. The organic coconut sugar from a trusted export supplier like PT. Indo Ekspor Nusantara guarantee premium product at the best price and also contribute to the coconut sugar farmers and producers all over Indonesia.
Source :
Wrage, J., Burmester, S., Kuballa, J. and Rohn, S., 2019. Coconut sugar (Cocos nucifera L.): production process, chemical characterization, and sensory properties. LWT, 112, p.108227.
Asghar, M.T., Yusof, Y.A., Mokhtar, M.N., Ya'acob, M.E., Mohd. Ghazali, H., Chang, L.S. and Manaf, Y.N., 2020. Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) sap as a potential source of sugar: Antioxidant and nutritional properties. Food science & nutrition, 8(4), pp.1777-1787.
Technavio, The global coconut sugar market
Allied Market - Vegan food market